Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bells For Her

There is something I've discovered since my last post. That something is the sound of heartbreak. I have been on the mend from that hence the lack of posts.

Onto better topics...I was watching some Buffy today and got inspired by Dru. Then inspiration struck and two songs floated into my grey matter. So on with the Drusilla theme we go.

First is Bells for Her by Tori Amos. It's very fitting for Dru before she became a vampire. When she was being driven insane by Angel.

This song would be the aftermath of Angel's obsession with her. Switchblade Symphony's Gutter Glitter is the perfect theme song for Dru.

Now you peeps haven't been reading Buffy season 8 you are missing out on the awesome.

1 comment:

The God Of Biscuits said...

both songs are quite fitting for our resident queen of crazy. I really like the music from "gutter glitter" although "Bells for her" is much more my taste. I hadn't heard "bells..." before. i quite like it. and yes, season 8 is awesome. as if there was ever a doubt.